Leica Cyclone v7.3.2 Features Support for New ASTM E57 Industry Standard “Data Exchange” Format

(Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 7 November 2011) – Leica Geosystems announces Leica Cyclone v7.3.2 that fully supports the recently released ASTM E57 standard for 3D Imaging data exchange, which includes 3D laser scanning systems. This capability facilitates direct import and export of laser scan “as-built” data and related digital imagery from different types of laser scanning systems into and between different types of point cloud processing software. This general type of laser scan and image data exchange process using vendor-specific or other neutral formats can sometimes otherwise be problematic.
Following up on Leica Geosystems March 2011 public commitment at SPAR 2011 (Houston, Texas) to support the new standard, Leica Geosystems fittingly announced formal support of ASTM E57 in Cyclone at the SPAR Europe 2011 conference, Nov. 8 & 9, 2011 in The Hague. Tom Greaves, managing director, SPAR Point Group says “This is great news for users. Market leader Leica Geosystems’ support of the ASTM E57 will not only propel adoption of the standard, it will accelerate the use of laser scanning workflows across all industry sectors.”
Scan Data and Digital Imagery Data
Leica Cyclone supports industry standard-based exchange (import/export) of both point cloud data and image data. The image data consists of what is referred to within Cyclone as the “Multi-image”. A Multi-image is one or more digital images (taken by an internal camera in Leica Geosystems scanners or taken by external cameras) at or near the same observation point as the scan data. Image-to-scan alignment information is included. Therefore, Cyclone can now write (export) point cloud and associated image data to the E57 exchange format files for use by other E57 compliant software applications. In addition, Cyclone can read (import) point cloud and associated image data from properly formatted E57 exchange files.
Direct support of ASTM E57 data exchange formats in Leica Cyclone software also enables support of this format in all Leica CloudWorx CADD and VR point cloud plug-in applications: CloudWorx for AutoCAD, CloudWorx for MicroStation, CloudWorx for SmartPlant 3D, CloudWorx for SmartPlant Review, CloudWorx for PDMS, CloudWorx for 3D Studio Max, CloudWorx for 3D Studio Max Design, CloudWorx for Maya, and newly announced CloudWorx for Revit.
Leica Cyclone is among the first commercially available software products to make support of this industry standard data exchange format available in a production release. Since Leica Geosystems laser scanners, Cyclone software, and CloudWorx software are the most popular laser scanners and point cloud software tools in the market, this announcement promises to facilitate data exchange based on an industry standard format for a large portion of the laser scanning user community.
Pricing & Availability
Leica Cyclone v7.3.2 is now available. Contact us for more information.